NEW ORLEANS – Despite the suspension of jury trials, the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office (OPDA) continues to secure guilty pleas to ensure appropriate accountability for crime in our neighborhoods. During the first month of 2022, that focus has continued with a total of 120 guilty pleas secured for offenses including theft of a motor vehicle, robbery, illegal use of weapons, domestic violence and aggravated assault with a firearm.
These recent guilty pleas build off of OPDA’s fourth quarter felony case acceptances. As of January 1, 2021, OPDA reports show over 72% of cases accepted in the previous 90 days were felony cases including numerous violent crimes. Last year, OPDA secured over 3500 guilty pleas across over 1700 cases.
For more on last year’s successes, visit and check out the video below highlighting OPDA’s first year in office.