OPDA Data Dashboards

The District Attorney’s Office is committed to ensuring that our prosecutors and staff remain accountable to the public. District Attorney Williams promised the people of New Orleans that transparency would be the cornerstone of his DA’s Office, just as it was during his tenure as City Council President and Chair of the Council’s Criminal Justice Committee.

Since taking office, we have hired the office’s first ever in-house Data Analyst to focus solely on tracking data and information moving through the DA’s Office and the larger criminal legal system, so that we can measure efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness.

We have also joined a network of prosecutor’s offices implementing prosecutorial performance indicators (PPIs) — a project supported by the MacArthur Foundation and implemented by experts on prosecutorial research and policy from Florida International University and Loyola University Chicago. The PPIs are office management, performance measurement, and transparency tools widely adopted by prosecutorial offices across the country. With this initiative, we are working to prioritize impact and further ensure that all communities of New Orleans can see what their money is paying our prosecutors to do.

Through both our in-house efforts and through the PPI project, we’ve launched the office’s first ever set of public-facing, regularly updated data dashboards so that the public stays aware of the office’s work through a variety of metrics. Check out our dashboards below! You can click the button at the bottom right of each set of dashboards for a larger view in a new tab.

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