U-Visa and T-Visa Support

The Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office is committed to assisting immigrant crime victims with their U-Visa or T-Visa applications in furtherance of their cooperation in the investigation and/or prosecution of crime.

U-Visa or T-Visa Request Information:

OPDA reviews certification requests upon receipt. T-Visa requests shall be completed for trafficking victims and U-Visa requests shall be completed for victims of other qualifying crimes.

OPDA accepts certification requests by email and mail. Requests for completion of a certification form may be submitted by a representative of the person seeking the certification form, including, but not limited to: attorneys, accredited representatives, or domestic violence or sexual assault service providers.

Submit certification requests via email to Executive Assistant District Attorney Micah Ince at mince@orleansda.com. Submit mailed requests to:

Attn: Micah Ince
Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office
619 S White Street
New Orleans, LA 70119

For expedited review, it is the obligation of the applicant to notify OPDA, in writing, and provide appropriate documentation that he/she is currently in removal proceedings at the time the request is submitted.

To download the certification request, click here.

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